Talent management / employee retention
April Franco

- Campus
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Covenants to not compete and employee mobility
- Economics of law firms
- Employee motivation
- Entrepreneurship / new ventures
- Industrial dynamics
- innovation
- Knowledge management
- Organizational learning
- Professional services
- Talent management / employee retention
- Teams
- Technological innovation
- Transfer
Office: 416-287-7360, 416-287-7360
Home: 647-344-6659
Mobile: 347-609-2203
Languages: Spanish
Email: april.franco@rotman.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Hugh Arnold
Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Business strategy
- Career management
- Corporate governance
- Decision making
- General management
- Leadership
- Organizational design and performance
- Small and medium sized enterprises
- Talent management / employee retention
Office: 416-996-0725
Email: hugh.arnold@rotman.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Julie McCarthy

- Campus
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Emotion regulation and coping
- Emotions in management
- Employee motivation
- Hiring
- Job interviews
- Leadership
- Resilience
- selection tests
- Talent management / employee retention
- Work-life balance
- Workplace stress and anxiety
Office: 416-287-7342, 416-946-3167
Email: julie.mccarthy@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Richard Powers
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Antitrust
- Argentina
- Automotive
- Brand management
- Brazil
- Business ethics
- Business ethics of supplier agreements with China
- Business strategy
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Compensation
- Competition policy & strategy
- Consumer behaviour
- Corporate corruption and fraud
- Corporate culture
- Corporate governance
- Corporate law
- Corporate social responsibility
- Diversity
- Ethical investing
- Executive pay
- Family-owned businesses
- India aid & ethical responsibility of companies that outsource labour; production
- Management innovation
- Marketing strategy
- Media and entertainment
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Non-profit sectors
- Social enterprises
- Sports marketing
- Talent management / employee retention
- United States
Office: 416-946-8610
Mobile: 416-268-7186
Email: richard.powers@rotman.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online