Housing and health
James Scott

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Bacteria
- Bioaerosol sampling technology
- Bioaerosols and airborne diseases
- Biodeterioration and biodegradation
- Biological hazards in occupational and environmental hygiene
- Biosafety, biosecurity and bioterrorism
- DNA sequence-based studies of human and environmental microbiomes
- Environmental and medical microbiology
- Environmental exposures and allergic disease
- Evolutionary biology and ecology of microfungi
- Fungi; mushrooms, mold, yeasts
- Housing and health
- Human microbiome
- Molecular detection of bioaerosols
- Mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease
- Plant disease
- Viruses
Office: (416) 946-8778
Email: james.scott@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Michael Widener
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Food deserts
- Food environments
- Food insecurity
- Health and transportation
- Healthy food accessibility
- Housing and health
- How transportation networks and infrastructure affect access to health services and healthy opportunities
- Urban planning and health
Office: 416-946-0270
Email: michael.widener@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Stephen Hwang
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-864-5991
Languages: English
Email: hwangs@smh.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online