Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Ann Lopez
Professor, Teaching Stream
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Anti-black racism in education
- Anti-racism education
- Black history curriculum
- Decolonizing education
Office: 4169788922
Email: ann.lopez@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Anna Katyn Chmielewski
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Neighbourhood inequality
- Policies around school and program choice
- School segregation
- Socio-economic disparities in academic achievement
- Streaming and tracking
Office: N/A
Email: ak.chmielewski@utoronto.ca
Barrie Bennett
Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Classroom management and discipline
- Design of learning environments to meet diverse learner needs
- Educational change (local)
- Teacher's self assessment
Office: 416-978-0233
Email: b.bennett@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Beyhan Farhadi
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Languages: Spanish - Latin American
Email: beyhan.farhadi@utoronto.ca
Carol Rolheiser
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Email: carol.rolheiser@utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Cassie J. Brownell
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Children and civics
- Children and politics
- Digital literacies
- Early childhood education
- Primary education
Office: N/A
Languages: English
Email: cassie.brownell@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Cecilia Morgan

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Canada within the British Empire
- Canadian history
- Cultural history
- History of commemoration and public memory in Canada
- Settler colonial history
- Women's and gender history
Office: N/A
Email: cecilia.morgan@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Charles P. Chen
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Career theories and counselling approaches
- Counsellor education and training
- Life-career integration and development
- Meaning making and human agency in worklife
- Morita therapy and Morita-philosophy-based career counselling intervention
- Postmodern and humanistic inquires in counselling and career psychology
- Vocational and career psychology broadly defined
Office: (416) 978-0718
Email: cp.chen@utoronto.ca
Chloe Hamza
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-978-1059
Languages: English
Email: chloe.hamza@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Claudia Milena Diaz Rios
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Accountability
- Curriculum reforms
- Decentralization
- Education policy responses to crisis (migration & COVID)
- Politics of education
- Privatization
Office: N/A
Languages: Spanish - Latin American
Email: claudia.diazrios@utoronto.ca
Creso Sa
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Evolving role of universities in supporting innovation
- Organization of science
- Science & technology policy
Office: (416) 978-1515
Email: c.sa@utoronto.ca
Dan Lang
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Accountability and performance indicators
- Comparative analysis
- Economics of education
- Educational management and finance
- Funding formulas
- Quality assurance
Office: 416-978-1246
Mobile: 416-230-2684
Email: dlang@oise.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Daniel Corral
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- College choice and enrollment in postsecondary education
- Institutional finance and student aid
- Student transitions into and out of higher education
Office: N/A
Email: daniel.corral@utoronto.ca
Dave Cooper
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream Emeritus, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Athlete centred coaching
- Cricket and the History of cricket in Canada
- Globalization of sport
- Health and physical education in Ontario
- Health and physical education Teacher preparation in Ontario
- History of Canadian cricket
- Play practice and game sense
- Soccer
- Soccer – global and in Canada
- Sport coach education – national coaching certification program facilitator
- Squash
- Squash - global and in Canada
- Tactical Decision-Making in Sport
- Teaching games for understanding and game sense
- Teaching/Coaching pedagogy using teaching Games for understanding (TGfU)
Office: 416-978-4113
Home: 905-820-2167
Email: davidbcooper1952@gmail.com
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
David Livingstone
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Education and employment
- Learning (formal and informal) and work (paid and unpaid)
- Public opinion about public education
- Social class and education
- Underemployment
Office: N/A
Mobile: 647 238-4771
Email: david.livingstone@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Douglas McDougall
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-978-0056
Mobile: 416-476-8450
Languages: English
Email: doug.mcdougall@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Earl Woodruff
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Cogntive Work Analysis
- Collaboration Training
- Gamification
- Innovation and collaboration facilitation
- Innovation Trainiing
- Learning and Training Audits
- Mobile Technologies and E-Learning
- Problem Solving Training
- Socio-cogitive facilitation
- Software Training
- Think Aloud Analysis
Office: 416-934-4511
Home: 416-848-1748
Mobile: 416-848-1748
Email: earl.woodruff@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Elizabeth Buckner
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Email: elizabeth.buckner@utoronto.ca
Elizabeth Smyth
Professor Emeritus/Emerita
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A, 416-978-5986
Email: liz.smyth@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Eric Lavigne
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Administrators’ recruitment, careers, and performance
- Higher education administration and leadership
- Organizational leadership, decision-making, and change
Office: N/A
Languages: English,French
Email: eric.lavigne@utoronto.ca
Erica Walker
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Mathematics education policy
- Racial and gender equity in mathematics education
- Student persistence in advanced mathematics
Office: N/A
Email: erican.walker@utoronto.ca
Esther Geva

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Acculturation
- Assessment of immigrant children
- At-risk ESL children
- Cognitive and linguistic processes
- Cross-cultural issues among immigrant children
- Cross-cultural issues among second language learners
- Psychological problems in children/youth
Office: (416) 978-0916
Languages: Hebrew, French
Email: esther.geva@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Eunice Eunhee Jang

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: (416) 978-0238
Email: eun.jang@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Feng Ji
Assistant Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Data sciences
- Machine learning applications in social and behavioral sciences
- Psychometrics
- Quantitative methods in social and behavioral sciences
Office: 416-978-6752
Languages: Mandarin
Email: f.ji@utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Francine Menashy
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- education for refugees and in emergencies
- education partnerships
- Global education governance and policy; international aid to education
- power asymmetries, racism, and coloniality in global education
Office: N/A
Email: francine.menashy@utoronto.ca
Garfield Gini-Newman
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Mobile: 4169532312
Email: ggininewman.gini.newman@utoronto.ca
George Dei

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Anti-racism education and inclusive schooling
- Black youth dropouts/academic success
- Critical ethnography
- History of Africentric schools
- Indigenous knowledges and anti-Colonialism
- Race
Office: (416) 978-0460
Languages: Twi
Email: george.dei@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Glen Jones

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Canadian higher education policy (federal and provincial)
- Comparative/International higher education
- Politics of higher education
- University decision-making/governance
- University faculty and academic work
Office: 416-978-8292
Home: 416-463-5615
Mobile: 416-463-5615
Languages: English
Email: glen.jones@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Helen Jefferson Lenskyj
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Email: helen.lenskyj@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Hilary Inwood
Lecturer, Department of Curriculum, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Lead, Environmental & Sustainability Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Art education
- Environmental and sustainability education
- Environmental art
- Nature-based learning
- Teacher education
Office: N/A
Email: hilary.inwood@utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online