Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Anthony Capotosto
Varsity Blues Soccer, Manager of Operations and Head Coach
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
Office: (416) 978-3571
Email: a.capotosto@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Ashley Stirling
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Athlete welfare
- Curriculum development and evaluation
- Emotional abuse in sport
- Experiential Learning and Work-Integrated Learning
- Psychosocial Aspects of High-Performance Athlete Development
Office: 416-978-5835
Languages: English
Email: ashley.stirling@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Barbara Brophey
Senior Athletics Instructor, Gymnastics, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Coach, Gymnastics

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-978-7381
Email: barb.brophey@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Beth Ali
Executive Director, Athletics and Co-Curricular Physical Activity, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Equity matters pertaining to sport and physical activity
- High Performance Sport Relationship Management – provincial and national
- Sport and Recreation facilities and services
- U of T’s varsity sports model
- University Sport and Recreation programming
- University-level sports
- USPORTS and OUA guidelines; policies and regulations
- Women in coaching
- Women in university sport
Office: 416-978-7379
Email: beth.ali@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Bruce Kidd
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- History and political economy of Canadian sport and physical activity
- Olympic
- Paralympic and Commonwealth Games
- Sport and public policy
- Sport for development and peace
Office: N/A
Home: 416-652-5195
Email: bruce.kidd@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Byron MacDonald
Head Coach of Swimming, Athletic Department, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Coaching Olympic and high performance athletes
- Coaching technique and theory
- Intercollegiate swimming
- Olympic competition and commentary
Office: 416-978-7008
Email: byron.macdonald@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Carl Georgevski
Head Coach, Track and Field, Varsity Blues
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-978-2991
Home: 905-477-2340
Mobile: 647-233-2340
Languages: Macedonian
Email: carl.georgevski@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Caroline Fusco
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Animals, ecological destruction and sports environments
- Children's play
- Ecological determinants and geographies of health
- Gender/s, sexualities, the body
- Poststructuralist and postcolonial theories
- Qualitative/ethnographic/spatial methodologies
- Social justice, equity and inclusion
- Space, place, land, physical cultural studies
- Young people, health and environments
Office: (416) 946-7717
Email: c.fusco@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Catherine Sabiston

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Body-related emotions
- Exercise and health psychology
- Mental health
- Physical activity and cancer
- Physical activity intervention
- Physical activity measurement
- Physical self
- Psychosocial determinants of health behaviour
Office: 416-978-5837
Languages: English,French
Email: catherine.sabiston@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Daniel Moore

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Exercise and disuse
- Growth and development
- Protein metabolism
- Skeletal muscle remodeling
- Sports nutrition
Office: 416-946-4088
Email: dr.moore@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Daniel Santa Mina
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Effects of exercise through the cancer continuum
- Exercise effects on bone mineral density
- Prehabilitation (pre-operative exercise interventions)
Office: 416-978-1696
Email: daniel.santamina@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Dave Cooper
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream Emeritus, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Athlete centred coaching
- Cricket and the History of cricket in Canada
- Globalization of sport
- Health and physical education in Ontario
- Health and physical education Teacher preparation in Ontario
- History of Canadian cricket
- Play practice and game sense
- Soccer
- Soccer – global and in Canada
- Sport coach education – national coaching certification program facilitator
- Squash
- Squash - global and in Canada
- Tactical Decision-Making in Sport
- Teaching games for understanding and game sense
- Teaching/Coaching pedagogy using teaching Games for understanding (TGfU)
Office: 416-978-4113
Home: 905-820-2167
Email: davidbcooper1952@gmail.com
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
David Frost
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Acute- and long-term adaptations to exercise
- Firefighter wellness and fitness
- Movement screening and evaluation
- Musculoskeletal health and injury prevention
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
- Sport, exercise and occupational biomechanics
Office: (416) 946-5562
Email: d.frost@utoronto.ca
Doug Richards
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Biomechanics of Injury
- Clinical Sport Medicine
- Concussions in Sport
- Health and Lifestyle
- Injury prevention
Office: 416-978-4678
Email: doug.richards@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Gretchen Kerr
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Abuse and harassment in sport
- Changing climate in sport and coaching
- Coach Education (coaches and parents of athletes)
- Psychological stress of athletes
- Retirement transitions of elite athletes
- Women in coaching
- Women in sports
Office: 416-978-7710
Mobile: 647-383-9910
Email: gretchen.kerr@utoronto.ca
Ira Jacobs

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Exercise pharmacology
- Exercise physiology
- Human skeletal muscle metabolism
- Nutritional and/or pharmacological interventions affecting exercise performance
- Physiological adaptations to acute short-term, high intensity exercise
- Physiological responses and adaptations to environmental extremes
Office: 416-978-6978
Languages: Swedish, French, Hebrew
Email: ira.jacobs@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Jack Goodman
Professor Emeritus/Emerita
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Cardiac consequences of ‘excessive’ exercise
- Cardiac rehabilitation and effects on cardiovascular function
- Cardiovascular risks of exercise
- Effects of prolonged exercise on heart function
- Exercise and the risk of arrhythmias
- Exercise-related sudden death
Office: (416) 978-6095
Email: jack.goodman@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Jenna Gillen
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Exercise-induced improvements in metabolic health
- Exercise-nutrient interactions
- High-intensity interval training
- Insulin sensitivity and glycemic control
- Sex-based differences in exercise metabolism
- Women's metabolic health
Office: (416) 978-3244
Email: jenna.gillen@utoronto.ca
Joseph Baker
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Application of athlete learning and development to maximize performance in non-elite populations
- Athlete development and skill acquisition
- High-performance sport
- Psychosocial and environmental factors influencing athletic skill development
- Talent identification and performance forecasting
Office: N/A
Email: joseph.baker@utoronto.ca
Joyce Chen
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Biomarkers
- Motor learning
- Music perception and production
- Neuroplasticity
- Stroke motor recovery and rehabilitation
Office: (416) 946-4394
Email: joycelynn.chen@utoronto.ca
Katherine Tamminen

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Mental health in sports contexts
- Qualitative research methodology
- Sport psychology
- Stress, coping, and emotion
- Youth sports & adolescent athletes
Office: 416-946-4068
Email: katherine.tamminen@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Disability and physical activity
- Health and exercise psychology
- Inclusive Play
- Knowledge mobilization
- Physical activity measurement and interventions
Office: (416) 978-2725
Languages: English
Email: kelly.arbour@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kristine Drakich
University of Toronto Varsity Blues Women’s Volleyball Head Coach

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Beach volleyball
- Coaching technique and theory
- Volleyball events and techniques
- Women in coaching and sport
- Women in volleyball
Office: 416-978-4677
Mobile: 416-996-2829
Email: kristine.drakich@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Linda Trinh
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Exercise and cancer survivorship
- Exercise and health psychology
- Sedentary behaviour
- Symptom management (e.g., cognitive function, quality of life, fatigue)
- Theory-based interventions
Office: 416-946-3624
Email: linda.trinh@utoronto.ca
Luc Tremblay

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Coaching
- Expert performance
- Feedback
- Gender differences
- Handedness
- High performance
- Imagery
- Multisensory integration (vision, proprioception, audition)
- Neuromotor control of voluntary action
- Neuromotor training and rehabilitation
- Online control
- Rehabilitation
- Senses/sensory
- Specificity
- Sport
- training
- Use of sensory information as a function of practice
- Visualization
Office: 416-946-0200
Languages: French
Email: luc.tremblay@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Lynda Mainwaring
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Emotional recovery from sports concussion
- Health psychology/rehabilitation psychology
- Management guidelines for sport concussion
- Perfectionism in performance
- Performance and dance psychology
- Psychological impact of and recovery from dance and athletic injuries
- Psychological issues related to hand injuries
- Psychology of injury
- Psychology of physical injury in sport, performance and dance
- Qualitative methodology
- Sport psychology
- Sport, performance, rehabilitation and health psychology
- Sports concussion
Office: 416-946-5134
Email: lynda.mainwaring@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Madeleine Orr
Assistant Professor, Sport Ecology

Areas of Expertise
- Climate adaptation and sport
- Climate risks and sport
- Community resilience
- Organizational resilience
- Physical activity
- Sport ecology
- Sport sustainability
Office: N/A
Email: madeleine.orr@utoronto.ca
Margaret MacNeill
Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Athletes' rights and relationships with the media
- Critical and cultural studies of sport media
- Critical policy studies of public health
- Cultural studies of sport, fitness and physical activity
- Health and physical literacy
- Health communication
- Olympic television production ethnographies
- Physical cultural studies of gender and health
- Post-structuralist, postcolonial and feminist methodologies
- Social marketing of active healthy living
- Visual media methodologies
- Youth sport and fitness audience studies
Office: 416-978-0598
Email: margaret.macneill@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Marius Locke
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Damage associated molecular patterns in striated muscle
- Expression
- Heat shock proteins
- Protection of stress
- Regulation
- The cellular response to muscle damage
Office: 416-978-7055
Email: marius.locke@utoronto.ca
Michael Atkinson

- Campus
- Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- Ethnography
- Masculinities and health
- Narrative ethics and narrative medicine
- Physical cultural studies
- Suffering, pain and illness
Office: (416) 978-7205
Email: michael.atkinson@utoronto.ca