Faculty of Arts and Science
John Peever
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Animal Biology
- Brain disorders
- Brain Research
- Dreaming sleep
- Molecular biology
- Narcolepsy
- Neurobiology
- Neurobiology of sleep
- Pathology
- Physiology
- REM sleep behaviour disorder
- Sleep
- Sleep disorders
- Systems Biology
Office: N/A
Email: john.peever@utoronto.ca
John Robinson
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- community engagement and futures studies
- philosophy of sustainability
- sustainability transitions and transformations
- Sustainable Buildings and Cities
Office: 416.918.7977
Languages: English
Email: johnb.robinson@utoronto.ca
John Stinchcombe

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-946-5986
Email: john.stinchcombe@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
John Yeomans
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Behavioural neuroscience
- Countess of Pembroke
- Mary Sidney
- Roles in Plays and Poems of "William Shakespeare"
Office: 416-978-7618
Mobile: 416-789-5517
Email: yeomans@psych.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
John Zilcosky

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- History of Sports
- Literary and cultural theory
- Modern European literature and thought
- Psychoanalysis and culture
- Travel writing
Office: 416-926-2324
Languages: German,French,English
Email: john.zilcosky@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Jooyoung Lee
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Crime victims
- Gangs
- Gun Violence
- Guns
- Hip Hop
- Mixed martial arts
- Murder
- Police reform
- Racism
- RCMP’s treatment of Indigenous people
- Serial killers
Office: N/A
Email: jooy.lee@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Jordan Foster
PhD Candidate and Sessional Lecturer

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: 647-561-7287
Email: jordann.foster@mail.utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joseph Bryant

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Philosophy of science
- Sociology of culture
- The Mediterranean worlds of ancient Greece and Rome, with a specific focus on the rise of Christianity
Office: 416 946 5901
Email: joseph.bryant@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joseph Desloges
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Climate change
- Geomorphology
- Human-environment interactions
- Paleohydrology
- River processes and flooding
- Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- Teaching Field Methods
Office: +1 (416) 978-3709
Email: joseph.desloges@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joseph Heath
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: 416-978-8094
Languages: English,French
Email: joseph.heath@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joseph L. Clarke
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- 19th and 20th century architecture
- History of architectural acoustics (music and sonic media)
- History of Canadian architecture
- History of office/workplace design
- Modern sacred architecture
Office: N/A
Email: joseph.clarke@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joseph McQuade
RCL Postdoctoral Fellow

- Campus
- Faculty
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Email: joseph.mcquade@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joseph Steinberg
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
Office: N/A
Email: joseph.steinberg@utoronto.ca
Joseph Thywissen
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Fermi gases near unitarity
- Non-equilibrium phenomena
- Novel laser cooling techniques
- Quantum information.
- Quantum simulation
Office: 416 978-2941
Languages: English,French
Email: jht@physics.utoronto.ca
Joseph Wong

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Asia
- Comparative Political Economy
- Comparative Public Policy
- Comparative Public Policy, with a Regional Focus on East Asia
- Democratization
- Global development
- Innovation policy
- Poverty and inequality
Office: 416-946-7955
Languages: English
Email: joe.wong@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Joshua Speagle
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Astrostatistics
- Data science
- Dust and the Interstellar Medium
- Galactic Structure and Dynamics
- Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Machine learning
- Stars and Stellar Populations
- Statistical inference
Office: N/A
Languages: English
Email: j.speagle@utoronto.ca
Juan Carlos Rocha Osornio
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Applied linguistics
- Community-Engaged Learning (CEL)
- Digital Pedagogy
- Experiential Learning
- Foreign Language Pedagogy
- Gender and Sexuality in Latin American Literature
- Mexican History, Culture & Society
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Professional Development of Graduate Teaching Assistants
- Spanish to Chinese Speakers
- Teaching & Learning of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Canada & the United States
Office: +1 (416) 585-4439
Languages: Spanish - Latin American,English,French,Italian,Portuguese
Email: juancarlos.rochaosornio@utoronto.ca
Judith Taylor
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Culture and Popular Culture as relates to other expertise
- Feminism and Feminist Perspective
- Gender Relations
- Social Movements and Activism
- Social policy
- Sociological framings of social problems
Office: 416-946-5720
Email: judith.taylor@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kanta Murali
Associate Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Comparative Political Economy of Development
- Ethnicity and Economic Development
- Indian politics
- Inequality
- Labour policy
- Politics of development and economic policy in India
- State Capacity
- State-Business Relations
Office: 416-978-8492
Mobile: 647-964-1870
Email: kanta.murali@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Karan Singh

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Artistic rendering and fabrication
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- Character animation
- Computer animation
- Computer graphics
- Facial animation
- Human-computer interaction
- Interactive graphics
- Mobile interfaces
- Shape modelling
- Shape perception
- Sketch interfaces
- Virtual Reality (VR)
Office: (416) 978-7201
Languages: English,French,Hindi,Japanese,Panjabi; Punjabi
Email: karan@cs.toronto.edu
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Karen Chapple

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Governance and cities
- Housing affordability
- Job creation
- Residential and commercial gentrification
- Transit-oriented displacement
Office: 416-946-7084
Email: karen.chapple@utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Karina Vold
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of science
- Philosophy of technology
- The ethics of Artificial intelligence (AI)
Office: 416-946-8788
Email: karina.vold@utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Katherine Bullock
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- History of Muslims in Canada
- Islamic perspectives on poverty alleviation (charity and basic income)
- Media representation of Islam/Muslims
- Muslim organisations and civic engagement in Canada
- Muslim women and the veil
Office: N/A
Email: katherine.bullock@utoronto.ca
Preferred method of contact: Email
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kay Armatage
Professor Emeritus/Emerita
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Film festivals
- Nell Shipman and women filmmakers of the silent era
- Women filmmakers
- Women's film festivals
Office: 416-978-8572
Email: kay.armatage@utoronto.ca
Keiko Yoshioka
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Genetics / Genomics
- Molecular biology
- Pathology
- Plant Biology
- Plant immunity
- Plant molecular biology
- Plant stress responses
- Plant-microbe interaction
- Structural Biology
- Systems Biology
Office: +1 (416) 978-3545
Email: keiko.yoshioka@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Keith Vanderlinde
Associate Professor

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Astronomy
- Computers in astronomy
- Cosmology
- Galaxies
- Large scale structure in the universe
- Long wavelength (radio, microwave) instrumentation and cosmology
- Particularly large scale structure
- Radio astronomy
- Radio telescopes
- South Pole radio astronomy
- The expansion history of the universe.
Office: N/A
Mobile: 416-946-5436
Languages: English
Email: vanderlinde@astro.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Keren Rice
Professor Emeritus/Emerita
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Indigenous languages
- Language revitalization
- Morphology (word formation)
- Phonology
- Phonology (sound systems)
Office: +1 (416) 978-1763
Languages: English,Chipewyan; Dene Suline
Email: rice@chass.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kerry Bowman
Assistant Professor
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
Areas of Expertise
- Artificial intelligence
- consumption of wild animals & diseases
- Environmental/climate change ethics
- Ethical implications of vaccine mandates
- Ethics of organ donation law
- Ethics of quarantine
- Forest loss
- Gene editing/gene drive
- Genomic/genetic ethics
- Geoengineering
- Medical assistance in dying
- Physician assisted in dying/end of life
- Reproductive ethics
- Zoonosis
Office: 416-586-4800 Ext. 2163
Home: 416-532-4594
Email: kerry.bowman@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kimberly Strong
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Arctic atmospheric science
- Arctic Atmospheric Science: PEARL, CANDAC, and PAHA
- Atmospheric measurements
- Atmospheric physics
- Balloons
- Climate change
- Concept study for OH Measurements from Space (OHMS)
- Ground-based ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to measure the concentrations of stratospheric gases
- Ground-Based UV-Visible Remote Sounding of the Stratosphere
- How are balloons controlled?
- Identifying objects using debris
- Intracavity laser spectroscopy using a Fourier transform spectrometer in step-scan mode for temporal resolution
- Middle Atmosphere Nitrogen TRend Assessment (MANTRA)
- Modelling the retrieval of vertical profiles of tropospheric gases using a ranging spectrometer
- Near-infrared laboratory spectroscopy of methane in support of the Galileo mission to Jupiter
- Ozone depletion
- Remote sounding of the atmosphere (ground satellites)
- SCISAT-1 and the ACE-FTS and MAESTRO Satellite Instruments
- Stratospheric Science with the Odin Satellite
- Studies of Planetary Atmospheres
- The University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory (TAO)
- Tropospheric pollution
- Ultraviolet-Visible-Infrared Laboratory Spectroscopy
- Weather balloons
Office: 416-978-5205
Email: strong@atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Konrad Eisenbichler
Professor Emeritus/Emerita

- Campus
- Faculty
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Early modern confraternities
- Early modern women
- Giuliano-Dalmata history, culture, and literature
- History of medieval and Renaissance Italy
- Italian immigration in Canada
- Italian-Canadian history
- Medieval
- Renaissance
- Renaissance history
- Renaissance literature, theatre, history, and culture
- Sex and gender
- Sex and gender in the Renaissance (1300-1600)
- Tuscany
Office: 416-585-4486
Email: konrad.eisenbichler@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online