Centre for Global Change Science
Bryan Karney

- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Design, analysis, operation and optimization of various water resource systems
- Educating engineers
- Particular emphasis of transient events
- Pipe breaks and failure in water systems
- Pipe networks and water supply systems, including prediction of physical and chemical characteristics
- Pumps and pumping stations
- Water and energy systems (particularly hydro-electric)
Office: 416-978-7776
Email: bryan.karney@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kent Moore

- Campus
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Arctic climate
- Arctic melting
- Climate change
- Extreme weather
- Ice Cores
- North Pole atmospheric disturbances
- Sea Ice
- Warming at high northern latitudes & impact on the Arctic and Canada
Office: 416-978-4686
Mobile: 647-808-5132
Email: gwk.moore@utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Kimberly Strong
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Arctic atmospheric science
- Arctic Atmospheric Science: PEARL, CANDAC, and PAHA
- Atmospheric measurements
- Atmospheric physics
- Balloons
- Climate change
- Concept study for OH Measurements from Space (OHMS)
- Ground-based ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to measure the concentrations of stratospheric gases
- Ground-Based UV-Visible Remote Sounding of the Stratosphere
- How are balloons controlled?
- Identifying objects using debris
- Intracavity laser spectroscopy using a Fourier transform spectrometer in step-scan mode for temporal resolution
- Middle Atmosphere Nitrogen TRend Assessment (MANTRA)
- Modelling the retrieval of vertical profiles of tropospheric gases using a ranging spectrometer
- Near-infrared laboratory spectroscopy of methane in support of the Galileo mission to Jupiter
- Ozone depletion
- Remote sounding of the atmosphere (ground satellites)
- SCISAT-1 and the ACE-FTS and MAESTRO Satellite Instruments
- Stratospheric Science with the Odin Satellite
- Studies of Planetary Atmospheres
- The University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory (TAO)
- Tropospheric pollution
- Ultraviolet-Visible-Infrared Laboratory Spectroscopy
- Weather balloons
Office: 416-978-5205
Email: strong@atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online
Steve M Easterbrook
- Campus
- Faculty
- Department
- Centres
Areas of Expertise
- Climate modelling and simulation
- Computational modeling as a scientific research method
- Investigation of software failures
- Software engineering
- Software verification and validation
- Sustainable Cities and Urban Decision-Making
- Systems Analysis and Systems Thinking
Office: 416-978-6526
Email: sme@cs.toronto.edu
Media availablity: TV, Radio, Print/Online